CSS3选择器 Selector Level 3

阅读 W3C 2018年9月11日发布的 Selectors Level 3 提议的一些翻译和记录,文档中说,这份提议还只是草稿,不属于规范的一部分。


​ 选择器(Selectors )是一种用来匹配树节点元素的模式,因此一种可以用来选择XML文档节点的技术。选择器已经针对 HTML 和 XML 进行了优化,旨在用于性能苛刻的代码。

​ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 是一种用于描述在显示器、纸张和语音等中渲染和呈现 HTML 和 XML 文 档的语言。CSS 用选择器将样式属性绑定到文档的元素。

​ 在 CSS1 和 CSS2 中已经有了选择器,下面介绍 CSS3 以及其他语言可能需要用到的选择器。

​ 选择器定义了下面的方法:

expression * element -> boolean

​ 就是说,给定一个元素和一个选择器,规范定义改元素是否与选择器匹配。



一级选择器(Selector Level 1)和二级选择器(Selector Level 2)已经分别被定义为 CSS1 和 CSS2.1规范中定义的选择器功能的子集。

相对 CSS2 的变化

  • 一些基本的定义(selector,group of selector,simple selector等)发生了变化;尤其是,在 CSS2 中的简单选择器现在称为简单选择器序列(sequence of simple selectors),术语“简单选择器” 现在被用于该序列的组件。
  • 可选的命名空间组件现在可以被用于元素类型选择器,通用选择器和属性选择器。
  • 引入了新的组合器——后续兄弟组合(Subsequent-sibling combinator)
  • 新的简单选择器,包括子串匹配属性选择器(substring matching attribute)和新的伪类(pseudo-classes)
  • 新的伪元素,以及伪元素的 “::” 约定的引入。
  • 语法被重写
  • 选择器现在是 CSS3 的模块,有独立的声明,其他选择器可以独立于 CSS 参考本选择器的文档。



*any elementUniversal selector2
Ean element of type EType selector1
E[foo]an E element with a “foo” attributeAttribute selectors2
E[foo=”bar”]an E element whose “foo” attribute value is exactly equal to “bar”Attribute selectors2
E[foo~=”bar”]an E element whose “foo” attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to “bar”Attribute selectors2
E[foo^=”bar”]an E element whose “foo” attribute value begins exactly with the string “bar”Attribute selectors3
E[foo$=”bar”]an E element whose “foo” attribute value ends exactly with the string “bar”Attribute selectors3
E[foo*=”bar”]an E element whose “foo” attribute value contains the substring “bar”Attribute selectors3
E[foo\=”en”]an E element whose “foo” attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with “en”Attribute selectors2
E:rootan E element, root of the documentStructural pseudo-classes3
E:nth-child(n)an E element, the n-th child of its parentStructural pseudo-classes3
E:nth-last-child(n)an E element, the n-th child of its parent, counting from the last oneStructural pseudo-classes3
E:nth-of-type(n)an E element, the n-th sibling of its typeStructural pseudo-classes3
E:nth-last-of-type(n)an E element, the n-th sibling of its type, counting from the last oneStructural pseudo-classes3
E:first-childan E element, first child of its parentStructural pseudo-classes2
E:last-childan E element, last child of its parentStructural pseudo-classes3
E:first-of-typean E element, first sibling of its typeStructural pseudo-classes3
E:last-of-typean E element, last sibling of its typeStructural pseudo-classes3
E:only-childan E element, only child of its parentStructural pseudo-classes3
E:only-of-typean E element, only sibling of its typeStructural pseudo-classes3
E:emptyan E element that has no children (including text nodes)Structural pseudo-classes3
E:link E:visitedan E element being the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is not yet visited (:link) or already visited (:visited)The link pseudo-classes1
E:active E:hover E:focusan E element during certain user actionsThe user action pseudo-classes1 and 2
E:targetan E element being the target of the referring URIThe target pseudo-class3
E:lang(fr)an element of type E in language “fr” (the document language specifies how language is determined)The :lang() pseudo-class2
E:enabled E:disableda user interface element E which is enabled or disabledThe UI element states pseudo-classes3
E:checkeda user interface element E which is checked (for instance a radio-button or checkbox)The UI element states pseudo-classes3
E::first-linethe first formatted line of an E elementThe ::first-line pseudo-element1
E::first-letterthe first formatted letter of an E elementThe ::first-letter pseudo-element1
E::beforegenerated content before an E elementThe ::before pseudo-element2
E::aftergenerated content after an E elementThe ::after pseudo-element2
E.warningan E element whose class is “warning” (the document language specifies how class is determined).Class selectors1
E#myidan E element with ID equal to “myid”.ID selectors1
E:not(s)an E element that does not match simple selector sNegation pseudo-class3
E Fan F element descendant of an E elementDescendant combinator1
E > Fan F element child of an E elementChild combinator2
E + Fan F element immediately preceded by an E elementNext-sibling combinator2
E ~ Fan F element preceded by an E elementSubsequent-sibling combinator3


所有的选择器语法都是在 ASCII 范围内且大小不写敏感的(例如 [a-z] 和 [A-Z]是等同的),除了不受选择器控制的部分。在选择器中的文档语言元素名称,属性名称和属性值的是否区分大小写要取决于文档语言本身。例如,在 HTML 中,元素名是大小写敏感的,但是 XML 中区分大小写。

本文标题:CSS3选择器 Selector Level 3


发布时间:2018年10月27日 - 11:05:10

最后更新:2019年07月15日 - 18:05:10


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